Without wasting anytime let's get straight to the Main Point. In-order to add a Gradient Subscribe Box in your BLOG, you need to complete 2 processes which are given below. Follow them and be patient.
# | PROCESS # 1 ‧ CSS |
1 | Go into your Theme's EDIT HTML |
2 | Search ]]></b:skin> |
3 | Now Copy the below code & Paste it before ]]></b:skin> |
/* Subscribe Box by igniel.com */
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39% { -moz-transform: rotate(-1deg); }
41% { -moz-transform: rotate(1deg); }
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9% { transform: rotate(30deg); }
11% { transform: rotate(-28deg); }
13% { transform: rotate(26deg); }
15% { transform: rotate(-24deg); }
17% { transform: rotate(22deg); }
19% { transform: rotate(-20deg); }
21% { transform: rotate(18deg); }
23% { transform: rotate(-16deg); }
25% { transform: rotate(14deg); }
27% { transform: rotate(-12deg); }
29% { transform: rotate(10deg); }
31% { transform: rotate(-8deg); }
33% { transform: rotate(6deg); }
35% { transform: rotate(-4deg); }
37% { transform: rotate(2deg); }
39% { transform: rotate(-1deg); }
41% { transform: rotate(1deg); }
43% { transform: rotate(0); }
100% { transform: rotate(0); }
/* Subscribe Box by igniel.com */
Step #4: Save it & Exit from there
# | PROCESS # 2 ‧ HTML |
5 | Now Visit: draft.blogger.com |
6 | Go to Layout |
7 | And Add a Gadget anywhere(where you want) |
8 | Now select HTML/JavaScript |
9 | Copy the below code & Paste in it. |
<!-- Subscribe Box by igniel.com -->
<div id="ignielSubscribe">
<div class="email__">
<div class="email">
Get the latest articles every day
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Step #10: Just Save it.
1. Visit your Website & check the widget you created.SOURCE: igniel.com